Reviews by MACAST

Styx is a stealth game that is a good mix of challenging gameplay and comedy. Read More
Where your decisions matter in a worldwide, single map, long term, player driven war. Read More
Start a new life in the enchanting town of Portia! Restore your Pa's neglected workshop to its… Read More
This game can be simplified into a single concept: the floor is lava. If you touch the ground, you… Read More
An ultra realistic army vs army tactical FPS where teamwork is key to survive and thrive. Read More
A game where you can create planes, cars, submarines, motorcycles, hover bikes, and so forth.… Read More
This is a casual puzzle game where you eat and try not to be eaten. Oh, and don't overeat! Read More
This cartoony game is where a side scrolling fighting game meets a comic book. Read More
Vent your frustration about the corporate grind. Read More
A super pun-y weapon shop management game. Read More