
Sneaky little bugger, aren't you?

During a demonic ritual while his mother was in labor, the devil claimed Lucius as his son. 

daddys home

During Lucius's birthday the darkness awakens in him. 


After his first kill, he meets his real father for the first time.

hello father

When you complete your mission your powers upgrade with a pretty circle of hellfire.

Lucifer will reward Lucius with special powers as he completes his missions. He will also teach you how to use each new one. 

Daddys home

The first few things Lucifer offers you are very helpful. None more than your Journal. It often offers hints and keeps track of your behavior percentage.


He may look cute and innocent, but Lucius isn't an angel. 


There have been Many people who learned this truth too late.


There are many items you collect during your missions. Collect enough at once and you'll unlock the Hoarder Achievement. 


Don't rush through tutorials, the game can be glitchy if do you things before you are asked.


Sometimes you have to sneak around at night,  often slower is better. If you do get spotted, there are ways to quickly save yourself.. Eventually.

oh noo

The Laundry Chore has been glitchy for me,it seems to complete, but isn't checked off in the book. I would wait until you are properly asked, talk to your Mom after each chore to see if she needs your help with anything else. I posted my journal page for some hints. But I don't want to give away too much.

When coming back to the game I chose the AUTOSAVE option, as it would have my last personal save up. The other options seem to restart that level for you, your journal is the same, but sometimes the items I have collected are missing or different. 


I love collecting achievements, there are a few for this game.  Some are storyline based, some are hidden, and some take quite a long time to get.  Keep rolling!  


This game was fun to play, a little dark and twisty, but fun all the same.  The controls were touchy at times, and a little glitchy, I had to restart my game a few times.  But other than that this was a lot of fun to play.  Like a horror movie come to life!  Still playing through this game collecting achievements.  Get it today!  If you like horror games you wont be disappointed by this little gem.

Score 9 out of 10

Ran smoothly on my system. The graphics were done very nicely, spooky yet beautiful. You felt like you were walking through a horror movie.. Well I guess you were. Sounds fit nicely as well.

Very dark storyline, wonderful cinematics, and great endings. Yes.. There are two.

There are two different endings. There are also many Steam Achievements to collect, as well as trading cards. Most of your trading card drops will happen your first play through. The Achievements can take a bit of time, and can be tricky to get in some areas. Timing can be everything. Difficult, but not impossible.

They can be a bit tricky to master at first, but keep trying!

There are a few spots in this game where rushing can cause glitches. You will have to start your level over and on some rare cases uninstall and reinstall your game. Luckily I didnt come across anything storyline major. But I did have trouble with the chores. Make sure you try to do them in order.. Because if you go back things get a bit glitchy.


  • Beautiful Cinematics and attention to details.
  • Lots of Achievements to collect.
  • Fairly easy puzzles, but complicated enough to be fun.
  • Repeatability is there with the two different endings.
  • Dark and twisty but lots of fun.
  • Can be glitchy at times.
  • The sound options don't seem to work on my computer.
  • I found the telekinesis power to be difficult to control.
  • Some of the achievements take quite a long time to get, way past the games playtime.
  • Some of the missions can take awhile to master, just keep trying!